Fruit's Names in Bapa
Course categoryReading
Students will learn the names of some fruits in Bapa and practice their pronunciations. - Level: 0 | Prerequisite: No
Students will learn the names of some fruits in Bapa and practice their pronunciations. - Level: 0 | Prerequisite: No
Students will learn how to count, from 1 to 1000, in Bapa, with applications to money, foods, people, etc. - Level: 0 | Prerequisite: No
Students will learn phonetics, and apply it in reading and writing in Bapa. - Level: 0 | Prerequisite: No
Leçons préenregistrées, sur des sujets variés, accessibles à tout moment. - Niveau: 0 | Prérequis: Non
Les étudiants vont apprendre à converser en Bapa avec leurs camarades de classe. - Niveau: 0 | Prérequis: Non